Thursday 27 June 2024

Introduction to EDI and ALE

 EDI (Electronic Document interchange) - EDI is the electronic exchange of business documents between the computer systems of business partners, using a standard format over a communication network.

EDI is also called paperless exchange.


  • Reduced Data entry errors
  • Reduced processing time
  • Availability of data in electronic form
  • Reduced paperwork
  • Reduced Cost
  • Reduced inventories and better planning
  • Standard means of communications
  • Better business process.

  • ALE : Application Link Enabling.

    Used to transfer data from one location to another or one server to another server or one client to another client.

    IDOC: its like a data container or packet which holds the data.

    IDOC doesn’t have any direction. We need to specify the direction by specifying sending & receiving logical systems.

    3 types of record.

    1.Data record (EDIDD): Actual business data.

    2.Control record (EDIDC): Which message type, sending system , receiving system

    3.Status record (EDIDS): IDOC status messages.

    EDI has two process

    1. Outbound process

    2. Inbound process

    Outbound Process:

    1.Application document is created.

    2. IDOC is generated

    3.Idoc is transferred from SAP to Operating system layer

    4.Idoc is converted into EDI standards

    5.Edi document is transmitted to the business partner

    6.The Edi Subsystem report status to SAP

    Inbound Process:

    1.EDI transmission received

    2.EDI document is converted into an IDOC

    3.IDOC is transferred to the SAP layer

    4.The application document is created

    5.The application document can be viewed.

    PORT: Port is used in the outbound process to determine the name of the EDI subsystem program, the directory path where the IDOC file will be created at the operating system level, the IDOC file names and the RFC destinations.

    RFC Destination: Used to define the characteristics of communication links to a remote system on which a functions needs to be executed.

    Partner Profile: Partner profile specified the various components used in an outbound process (Partner number, IDOC type, message type, Port, Process code), the mode in which it communicates with the subsystem (batch or immediate) and the person to be notified in case of errors.

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