Thursday 27 June 2024

Inbound and Outbound Idoc setup

 On both sides:

1.Logical System Names SALE

2.Setup RFC destinations SM59.

3.Port Destinations WE21 

In Source system:

1. Segment Creation WE31

2. Basic IDOC Type Creation WE30

3. Message Type Creation WE81

4. Assign Message Type To Basic IDOC Type WE82

5. Distribution Model BD64

6. Writing Report Program SE38

7. Partner Profile WE20

8. Message control NACE

9. Check IDOCs WE02, WE05

In Destination System:

1. Creating FM SE37

2. Assign FM to Logical Message WE57

3. Define I/P method for Inbound FM BD51

4. Create Process Code WE42

5. Generate Partner Profile BD64 

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